Morgan-Pickett, Gwendolyn Christine Obituary (1985)
Our mother had been hospitalized by way of the emergency room with what turned out to be a stroke. During her recovery she began to regain facial control and was said to be nearing release from the hospital. She passed away on the morning she was to be released.
I contacted mom prior to making the trip to visit her at the hospital, as I did daily. On this day, the day of her scheduled release, she sounded fairly well and stronger this day. After asking her if she needed or wanted anything that I could bring, I told her that I would be planning to return back to California to be with Pamela and the kids as it was to be that she would, any day... be giving birth to our third child... Phillip.
I arrived at the hospital, about an hour had passed since I spoke to mom on the phone.
Karen had been there with mom when I had spoken to her on the phone and was there when I arrived. To my shock, mom had passed away. Karen, in a fit of tears accusingly asked me "what did you say to my (or our) mother? We never spoke of this again.
Karen had apparently observed mom go from being ready to be discharged to deceased within one hour and after a phone conversation with me.
Written 28 January 2018