Memories of Anderson Pickett Jr., “Going Fishing [With my Dad]”
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I remember my father taking my younger brother and myself on an overnight fishing trip to Akron Reservoir (Ladue). Dad parked the vehicle on the causeway and we began fishing about two hours before sunset. I do not remember catching a fish, what was memorable was the dinner that Dad cooked.
Dad popped off the car’s hubcap (the hubcap was small and made of a heavy steel), poured charcoal in it, lit the charcoal, and began cooking chili.
The fisherman next to us took issue with my father cooking on the causeway. Dad told him that the charcoal was not on the causeway and that everything was okay and he needs to return to his fishing.
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The fisherman was upset and left, he returned sometime later with a policeman complaining about Dad’s cooking. The policeman reviewed Dad’s cooking arrangements and approved it. The fisherman became irate and continued to push the issue. The policeman then requested to view Dad and fisherman’s fishing license. Dad produced his (we were underage) and the fisherman did not have a license. The policeman wrote him a ticket, confiscated his fishing equipment and made him leave the causeway. We ate dinner fished a little longer, then fell asleep in the car.
I remember this too! And just as you stated, we probably caught no fish!
As I recall… Dad forgot to bring the grill and as he was known to “ruff-it”, he didn’t skip a beat. This was likely the first and only time he had done that, he certainly influence me to NOT to be afraid to improvise and to get out of the proverbial box.
Certainly couldn’t do this with todays hubcaps!
Thanks for the memory brother Ted.