Lyin Eatin People, What’s In A Name, The short version
Lyin Eatin People (LEP) is the name that I chose to represent the collection of families that I am a part of. It’s the name that I have applied to the entire database and website. It is a name that makes both fun of ourselves by identifying with the puns or multiple meanings of the words and it makes people think, wonder and question. It may be considered a double or even triple entendre.
Simply put, it’s true inspiration and root meaning is that of a people who tell stories and who enjoys food a lot and not actually telling lies while eating people. I could have called it People Who Eat A Lot Of Food While Reciting Glorified Accounts of History, but I don’t find it catchy nor that much fun and thoughtful title. Besides it is much more difficult to design a crest for “People who Tell Stories and Eat a Lot of Food.”
I’ve had some family members recoil at the title and refuse to be a participant in the LEP family tree out of offense of the title, even after explanation. I respect their position. I’ve even offered to consider a change in the name, but received no input from those who were unhappy with LEP… I am still open for suggestions!
The most obvious interpretations are that we are a). being devoured by a lion b). a group or type of people who devour lions c). people who self identify as liars and eaters
I like to think of it as and embrace it to mean a people who think of themselves kings of the proverbial jungle and while in this jungle we prosper at the top of the food chain. not falling prey to others, …leading and not following, and as my father would say …not being victims.
But the basic fact of the name is based on our ceaseless ability to tell stories about the lives we live and represent and our joy of consuming mass quantities of food while doing it! In this pun of the word “Lyin” represent story telling, “Eatin” refers to the mass quantity of food consumed and “people” (contrary to some beliefs) points to ourselves not to who/what we are eating.
Aside from the title… The content is totally worthy. Everything here is intended to inform and help to guide the paths of our future through the documentation of our history. There is no-thing (nothing) here that is derogatory to the mission of promoting family. Certainly there are more cause to complain about the content of another on-line data programs with seemingly innocuous title “FaceBook”… Lots of trash there but I guess the name is what’s most important!
Picketts and extended family, … You can thank or blame myself and Ted for Lyin Eatin People.
Over the years that I have created and maintained the website and the entire collection of information and photos that were initially gathered by my mother. The family tree data file has grown to more than 300 of our family members. During this time I’ve been excited by the stories that I’ve heard about and witnessed. Throughout it all I found that telling stories and food are a common and repeating thread. [easy_media_download url=”” text=”” force_dl=”1″]
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Click to View All In One Family Tree Click to download All In One Family Tree
These two characteristics are hardly particular to our family experiences and are likely fundamental to all families, however, My brother Theodore (Ted) and I found that we laugh so hardily about so many stories that we know that people who hear us undoubtedly think that we are making the stories up, they can’t believe that we are so colorful or that we have so many issues, and that we can laugh about them, that we can laugh about ourselves and that we love.[/ezcol_1half]
Lyin Eatin People (LEP) is the name and the crest that I chose to represent the Pickett (and extended family) and the entire family tree website. An explanation of the meaning and applicability will follow. You can thank or blame myself and Ted for it.
Over the years that I have created and maintained the website and the entire collection of information and photos that were initially gathered by my mother. The family tree data file has grown to more than 300 of our family members. During this time I’ve been excited by the stories that I’ve heard about and witnessed. Throughout it all I found that telling stories and food are a common and repeating thread.*** These two characteristics are hardly particular to our family experiences and are likely fundamental to all families, however, My brother Theodore (Ted) and I found that we laugh so hardily about so many stories that we know that people who hear us undoubtedly think that we are making the stories up, they can’t believe that we are so colorful or that we have so many issues, and that we can laugh about them, that we can laugh about ourselves and that we love.
Because of all of this, telling stories and eating became “lying” and “eating” which in turn became “lyin'” and “eatin'”, which evolved into “Lyin’ Eatin’ People”. With a play on the words… the concept of a lion with a body part in its jowls cemented the term and the icon and hence the shield of a lion eating people.
Many ask the origin of the name and I explain the concept. Most think it’s clever, some I have found consider it offensive. To those who I am aware of who are offended, the offering of the rational and development of the icon did little to sway them. Instead of accepting the honest humor and the stated intent, certain family members have expressed discuss and refuse to involve themselves or their family clan in it. I respect that.
Attempting to be all inclusive I asked certain family members who were not accepting of the name to offer ideas for a permanent replacement for LEP. Years have passed without even a word on the subject. getting information from the areas of family who don’t participate is haphazard. I continue to speak to and gather information from relatives that are close, I drag myself through FaceBook and glean what I can in the way of information and photos.
The request for input for a permanent change for the family tree website and shield is still open. I am receptive to all conversations on the subject. So please, if you are happy with or unhappy with LEP and you have something to offer, I want to here from you. Until then the site and the people included in the family tree will continue to reside at and we will continue to be Lyin’ Eatin People!
– Lamont