I hear your requests!!

Lyin Eatin People is a family website that is entirely developed, maintained and funded by your host Lamont Pickett. This site has been in existence for more than 20 years.

There are many more features that I would like to support but instead of continuing to absorb the entire cost of hosting, maintenance and developments I’ve decided to offer the users and supporters of this website the opportunity to contribute.

Currently there is the need for users to download pictures. To make that possible I must upgrade the infrastructure, including data storage capacity and provide a secure means of document and photo management.

After all of these years of self funding, the most recent major postings of event photos have spawned a renewed call for the ability to download photos from the LEP website. The ability is not something that I’ve ever been apposed to except on the grounds of the expense in doing so.

Affording the expense of hosting LEP has never been a problem to me and the lack of money is not the case now. Now I am sensing a desire for a greater number of our young people to have access to current and historic photos and documents. To do this effectively requires additional features in the website and as with many current features… They too cost money. Additionally it is imperative that actions are taken to identify future family tree managers to replace me.

So, in your using the site… and in the same voice that many of you have stated your appreciation for the website and the work that I do… Please consider what will become of all of the data and photos if I am no longer able to care for it!

One time and regular donations to the LEP website will support all of the hosting, research development of the website and data.

My intentions are to:
– develop the ability for registered users to download from LEP.
– develop the ability for registered users to upload to the LEP.
(The LEP website is a good place to upload and store your photos, history and stories)
– develop the ability to accept donations for planned events that are family oriented.
– … and more!

So when you access the website please keep in mind that the website is for all branches whether related by blood or marriage and that I will support and in most cases perform research at the request of a family member and provide historical photos and data when possible.

My current efforts for donation acceptance will be using PayPal. Your Paypal receipt will be your record of your giving… Thank you.

-Lamont Pickett Sr.
Lyin Eatin People Admin